
This is a selection of resources that we have found useful to enlightening. Rather than being arranged by media type (books, videos, research papers, blog posts, etc.) they are (will be) arranged by topic.

The go-tos

Hoogle: The Haskell search engine. Search for everything from functions to type-signatures.

Hackage: The Haskell package repository. Reading docs and source code is the best way to learn how real Haskell code is written. Hackage has a lot of “noise” packages, but those with a wide userbase are usually well documented.

The must-reads (at some point)

Stephen Diehl’s What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell: A classic compilation of succinct descriptions of countless Haskell tools, idioms, typeclasses, libraries, and advanced features. Note especially the section on GHC’s language extensions.