Assignment 4

This two-part assignment introduces a new design pattern in one part and a new monad for truly effectful computations in the other. It requires only a small amount of new code to be written, but reading through the code carefully and working out the types of various expressions in your head / in ghci will be important both to complete the code without too much trial and error and to get the most out of the assignment.


Download the starter code from the repo.

The assignment4 folder is a stack project with the following directory structure.

├── Setup.hs
├── assignment4-rio.cabal
├── src
│   ├── Main.hs
│   ├── Main1.hs
│   ├── Main2.hs
│   ├── Main3.hs
│   ├── Main4.hs
│   ├── Main5.hs
│   ├── Main6.hs
│   └── RIO.hs
├── stack.yaml
└── stack.yaml.lock


Problem 1

This problem should be solved by reading and editing the files Main1.hs through Main6.hs in order. These implement a very simple program, demonstrating a rewrite using the ReaderT design pattern. This is an approach to writing programs centered around the monad instance for ReaderT env IO a. If you want to know more about this design pattern, this blog post goes into great depth.

Problem 2 - The ST Monad

The ST monad in Control.Monad.ST allows us to write programs that use arbitrary mutable state, implemented as actual mutable memory on the machine. As detailed in Launchbury and Jones’ “Lazy Functional State Threads,” the ST monad maintains full referential transparency. ST is commonly used to implement mutable arrays and other data structures. Intuitively, the ST monad and STRefs (references to mutable cells) allow for controlled mutability in otherwise pure programsFor more details, see, and


Isolation in the ST Monad

Actions in the ST monad have the form

which looks similar to the definition of State s a we have seen in lecture.

While the State monad allows us to run functions that update state values, the ST monad allows us to mutate an underlying state value. Recall that the State monad has a runState function defined as

On the other hand, Control.Monad.ST offers a runST function with the following type

The key point is that the s serves as a “phantom type” that ensures that the state from two different ST computations don’t affect each other.

In particular, the following code will result in a type error:

let a = runST $ newSTRef (4 :: Int),

since evaluating a will look like this:

The resulting value would have type STRef s Int which is incorrect because the s has escaped the forall in runST. The overall effect of this choice of types is to isolate the internal state and mutability within each ST computation.

Similarly, the following expression that feeds an STRef from one ST computation to another will not type check:

For more on this, read the discussion in Section 2.4 in “Lazy Functional State Threads”.

ST monad API

There are four key functions that are used when we operate on the ST monad. Namely:



These problems should be solved by editing the STMonad.hs file in the src directory.

Problem 2.1. We’ve provided a skeleton implementation of sumST, which computes the sum of a list of type a in the Num a class. Fill in the undefined to complete the implementation. Here, the type of sumST is

Problem 2.2. Implement foldlST, a version of foldl that uses the ST monad under the hood. Here, the type of foldlST is

as in the usual foldl.

Problem 2.3. Consider the following operation on a positive integer n:

The Collatz conjecture states that if we repeatedly apply this process, we will eventually reach the number 1, regardless of the start value of n.

Translate the following pseudocode to Haskell, using the ST monad to update mutable STRefs.

Submission instructions

Send an email to with a .zip file with your code.