Assignment 2

Set Up

Note starter code updated Feb 4 so that tests compile without modification.

Download the starter code from the repo. The assignment2 folder is a stack project with the following directory structure.

├── Setup.hs
├── assignment2.cabal
├── src
│   ├── Exception1.hs
│   ├── Exception2.hs
│   ├── Problem1.hs
│   ├── Problem2.hs
│   ├── WeatherApp1.hs
│   └── WeatherApp2.hs
├── stack.yaml
├── stack.yaml.lock
└── test
    ├── p1
    │   ├── Problem1Spec.hs
    │   └── Spec.hs
    ├── p2
    │   ├── Problem2Spec.hs
    │   └── Spec.hs
    └── p3
        ├── Exception2Spec.hs
        ├── Spec.hs
        └── WeatherApp2Spec.hs

All three problems below should be solved by editing the corresponding files in /src/. It is configured (in the file assignment1.cabal) so that

$ stack test

runs all the tests and each problem’s tests can be run individually, i.e. Problem 1 can be tested as follows.

$ stack test :p1

Passing all the tests and answering the written questions (as comments in code) should be sufficient to answer all the problems.

To test out the code from a problem in ghci, run

$ stack ghci --no-load

where the --no-load flag prevents loading modules (since Problem3 has multiple overlapping implementations in different modules). Then, you can load specific modules as follows.

> :l Problem1


Problem 1 - More about Functor

Recall, Functor is a typeclass which represents the ability to map over a type.

We talked a lot about fmap but barely any about (<$). Consider its type signature and try it out on some values to see how it behaves. Then, write (<$) (called cmap in the starter code /src/Problem1.hs) using fmap. You may want to use the const function.

Because (<$) can be defined from fmap, specifying the fmap function is all that is necessary to define a Functor instance. However, fmap must follow certain rules. For the behavior of Functor to be predictable, fmap must satisfy the identity law fmap id == id and the composition law fmap (f . g) == (fmap f) . (fmap g).

Below we define three datatypes with instances of Functor. For each, either state that the functor laws are satisfied, argue that the type of fmap as given is incorrect, or present an expression a == b that shows this instance violates one of the functor laws. You can comment your answers in the starter code file for this problem.

You’ll notice that all of the illegal but well-typed examples above violated the identity law flat-out – there weren’t any examples that preserved identity but failed on composition. In fact, it is impossible to write a functor instance that follows the identity law but violates the composition law. The reason we state both laws (even though good identity implies good composition) is because this link is somewhat subtle and the composition law states more explicitly what we want from Functor. It also turns out that, if type has a functor instance, it is unique! You can read this section of the Typeclassopedia for more on the Functor laws.

Consider the following weird-looking datatype.

Write the functor instance for LotsOfPieces. It shouldn’t require a lot of thinking – in fact, because of all the weird parts, it should become more clear that you’re following a certain pattern in writing fmap. Briefly describe the “algorithm” you were working through as you wrote the Functor instance.

It turns out that due to this predictability Haskell can derive Functor instances automatically. Comment out your Functor instance and add Functor to the list of deriving typeclasses. Check that the new automatically defined fmap works the same on some simple functions as your implementation. You can read about the DeriveFunctor language extension here if you are interested. There are more subtleties involved than this problem would suggest, most of which arrise when function types are part of your Functor instance.

Problem 2 - Streams

While the default list in Haskell allows infinite lists, we can go a step further and define a type Stream that must be infinite. Specifically, streams are like lists, but with only a “cons” constructor – there is no such thing as an “empty” stream. Complete the datatypes and functions in /src/Problem2.

Problem 3 - Extending an exception library

In this problem, you will extend a library for dealing with exceptions to track all exceptions that occur in a computation instead of just the first. To do so, we will first learn about a new typeclass that will be used in our implementation.

So far, we have seen how typeclasses allow us to implement functions (for example, fmap in the Functor typeclass) separately for various types.This is known as ad hoc polymorphism, in contrast to the parametric polymorphism provided by type variables.

A common Haskell idiom is to create a typeclass for functions with a specific structure and then let a value’s type determine which function with that structure to apply.

For example, consider the Semigroup typeclass (already implemented in Haskell base, available in the Data.Semigroup module).

The primary function provided by the Semigroup typeclass is <>. Besides the type signature a -> a -> a, the class definition does not tell us anything about this function. However, the documentation tells us that instances of Semigroup should satisfy the following associativity law.

Just like an implementation of (+) for a type being made an instance of Num should conform to the laws of addition, an implementation of <> for a type being made an instance of Semigroup should be associative.

Many types have a natural associative operation. For example, concatenation is the natural associative operation on lists, and lists have a Semigroup instance.

Concatenation is associative since x ++ (y ++ z) = (x ++ y) ++ z, and therefore this instance conforms to the Semigroup laws.

Some types, however, do not have a natural associative operation. For example, or and and are both associative functions on booleans. Since there is not a natural associative operation on the Bool type, it does not make sense to give Bool a Semigroup instance. Instead, we can wrap a boolean value in a new type for each associative function we want to use.

Here, newtype is basically equivalent to data, but can only be used when there is one constructor with one field. In return, it incurs no runtime cost over the wrapped type.See here for the subtle differences between data and newtype.

We now have two new types, Any and All. We can recover the wrapped boolean by pattern matching, and we can write separate Semigroup instances for each.

Now, Any values are combined using or and All values are combined using and.

We will see many more examples of the power of this abstraction. For this part of the assignment, you will extend a library representing exceptions and a mock application using this library, using the Semigroup typeclass along the way.

You are given /src/Exception1.hs and /app/WeatherApp1.hs and this problem asks you to fill in /src/Exception2.hs and /app/WeatherApp2.hs. Read the commented files in this order, filling in the latter two as marked (by TODO). You can test your code by running

$ stack test :p3

and you can run code from the provided implementations as follows

$ stack ghci --no-load
> :l Exception1 WeatherApp1
> buildWeatherPage badUserAccess goodWeatherAccess -- for example

and from your extended implementations as follows.

> :l Exception2 WeatherApp2

You can switch back and forth between implementations in ghci by loading the appropriate code, and you can reload the current implementation using :r.

Submission instructions

Send an email to with a .zip file with your code.